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Creator to be
Hi everyone,
I'm so glad to finally hear about this place. It's difficult to get your foot into content creation (clothing specifically) with the way things are in SL rn.

Happy to join you guys and learn and hopefully pay it forward someday.

postbit slot
Hey Percy Smile.
Well the thing in content creations is difficult because 
of the huge amount of different mesh bodies but each
brand give the DevKits to creators after application.
Since we are number one in this scene we have already
many of those kits Smile. Please read the rules and shout if
you need some help Smile.

the CopyBotClub CBC
percivicc welcome to the copybot.club,

nothing beats knowing how to do better than looking at how they did it… and we have the best things for you to study them.
Like the CopyBotClub CBC said the issue with all the mesh bodies is that most don't get you an available dev. kit but we have most and the ones we do not we have close ones. After you did a few you can apply yourself to get into their list.

The clothing niche of SL always was the most difficult and will continue to be. The biggest issue is how to get visibility for your brand without having to lose a kidney on paid advertising. It is possible, but isn't easy… if you are really into it, the recipe is always the big ones: From how they set up stores to the events they go to; to how they communicate and how they promote…
The wheel is invented, the best wheels are always from the top brands.

We have many creators here and some started out with our help. I would start learning and checking creations.
But each one has its own method

We are here to help in any way we can

showbis Cool

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