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What botted items do you use?
I have tons of UUID eyes and makeup, but only in folders

(04-21-2023, 01:48 PM)BirdsRdumb Wrote: Animations of course!! Big Grin
What kind? dances or AO?

postbit slot
Regarding ripped clothing, if I create outfits with them I also try to create a "safe" similar outfit wearing only original items, at least those that can be scanned by nosy bored people around. It can be fun looking for similar items to replace ripped stuff for those safe outfits.

Issues with ripped stuff at your home can be minimized by just not inviting anyone to your place. Or even further by keeping your home looking clean while not using it by setting up a secondary rezzer just for ripped stuff. If you go away from your home then just click your rips rezzer to hide your special goodies.

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