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Hey hey people! o/
Hey everyone, newcomer here! Currently looking to drop some stuff (skins etc.) so I might get a glimpse at all the other goodies people were so generous to share with everyone. Thanks for having me :D
All my uploads require Huggystorm viewer to upload.
postbit slot
Hello, swiftkill
Welcome to CBC - Copybot.club

We are pleased that you decided to join our forum,
Indeed, we're confident that we have acquired more than 26,650 shares as of this moment.

With that being said, you can select from the diverse collection of items that have been shared so far. Of course, the higher you rise to the next rank, the more access you have to other subforums. But do not worry, we're not a ''pay to win'' situation. Your sole responsibility is to share and contribute to the community, nothing else.

If you require any assistance, please don't hesitate to let us know.

Thanks for having me! Looking forward to share with you all.
All my uploads require Huggystorm viewer to upload.
(08-04-2024, 07:12 AM)swiftkill Wrote: Thanks for having me! Looking forward to share with you all.

Welcome back, swiftkill .

I've merged both your introductions, since you already had one.
Heh, I thought I did before, but I wasn't sure. Thank you!
All my uploads require Huggystorm viewer to upload.
welcome to CBC - 

glad to see you around -

some of our members dont even make a single intro, and you took the time to make two 

looking forward what you are going to share with us: knowledge , SL stuff and such.  



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