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Hi there!
Hi everyone, I suppose this thread is read mostly by admins tho Smile

I am an experienced scripter and tweaker in SL/OS, and do rip things when I need some.
I'm all about sharing, including (and even at first) knowledge sharing.

Always seeking for high quality when doing stuff, I am a bit perfectionist and hope with the new open source project huggystorm, things will go better than actually.

I know how to rip in SecondLife (I am not much interested by games), using the pair darkstorm/meshesSL (because I do mostly rigged stuff).

Let's see how it goes Smile
postbit slot
Hello, Blackcater
Welcome to CBC - Copybot.Club

It may surprise you to know that there are other members who read the introductions of new members, but do not leave any comments.
Certainly, there are those who leave comments, but others are slightly less forthcoming.

Your experience as a scripter and tweaker in SL/OS brings joy to my eyes when I read it. Your decision to join our community is greatly appreciated and we are in need of more members like you.

Indeed, Huggy is a great joy and honor for CBC. Her constant work on a Viewer is aimed at improving the quality of copybotting, making everything easier and faster.

My wish is that your experience with us will be as enjoyable as possible and that you will have a smooth collaboration.

I am one of those who reads and dont always leave any reply. 

Miau is superfast and adds very important and helpful (if being read...) links for our members taking the time to make an introduction. 

thank you for joining. 

and welcome!

(08-27-2024, 08:50 AM)Blackcater Wrote: Hi everyone, I suppose this thread is read mostly by admins tho Smile

Hi, Blackcater (nice name, by the way) Big Grin! Not at all... and as Miau pointed out, other members and non-admins (me included haha) read the introductions here too. As a newbie myself, I must say that the Introduce Yourself forum seems like a great place to find others with similar skills and interests, and it's a great way to know other newbies better!

(08-27-2024, 11:54 PM)C.Nails Wrote: I am one of those who reads and dont always leave any reply. 

Miau is superfast and adds very important and helpful (if being read...) links for our members taking the time to make an introduction.

Sometimes, me too Shy. Sadly, sometimes I'm in a hurry (RL can be crazy)... and sometimes my social skills just take a leave from me haha.
Miau is indeed interesting, very helpful and a polite presence around here, it seems!

(08-27-2024, 08:50 AM)Blackcater Wrote: I'm all about sharing, including (and even at first) knowledge sharing.

That's the spirit Big Grin!
hi and welcome

Goku95 is right, we all see them but we are not really replying because we are introverts. I think most of video game players are introverts.
Thanks all for your welcoming

Still trying to find what to share in the sandbox, something that would be useful.
I also have to check all the requirements for a post, as I saw it must include many things I usually don't bother with when doing it for myself (the xml for example) and to find a hosting file platform that does not ask for a premium plan Smile

Hugs ♥
In case you wonder:

Your shares from the sandbox have now been moved to CBCs SL subforums.

This happens: 

1) when you have shared your way to the next user group.
2) when the share(s) has been in the sandbox for a month or two . It will then be moved even though the contributor - that's you -  didn't get to the next user group. 

--> If you have forgotten which items you have shared, let me know via PM - then we avoid any double posts. 
You cannot search for them yourself, since your options for searching, is dependent on your user group. 



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