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Hello from galaxies near and far!
I am somewhat familiar with ripping items been in Second Life 16 years and had a program a long time ago, but unbeknownst to me have no idea where that program went during my months of absence. I am trying to learn new things (scripting and what not) I am no way experienced and am excited to learn. I crave knowledge and can't wait to see the progression of my learning. Thank you to each and everyone that made this website for what it is today!

Lala ♥ the Unicorn  ♥
postbit slot
Hello, LalaTheUnicorn
Welcome to CBC - CopybotClub

What a lovely name you have, indeed you look like a - shiny and friendly person. I love this energy.
Been in Second Life 16 year? Wow, same as me! That is very looong ride. I am sure you've seen enough around SL, haha.

I'm pleased that you're interested in gaining knowledge and expertise on copybotting. If you have a strong desire for knowledge, your potential and ambition will make it a breeze for you to achieve it.

Your choice to join our forum and your involvement in this community is greatly appreciated. We guarantee that you won't be disappointed


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