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hello! nice to meet you :)
hi, you can call me mir! im excited to join this forum, it seems to be very well-run and founded on strong principles! my regards to the admin and mod team.

i've been playing second life on and off for around 9 years, and i'm not exactly new to copybotting, but i was always a bit too nervous to get involved in it. i want to change that though, and id love to be able to help others and share things i have freely, so that we all can enjoy second life the way we want. i have some experience with content creation of mesh and textures, however its been a long time since ive done it actively and im very rusty lol ^_^; so im still learning about newer sl-specific techniques, but i like to help people with their creative vision when i can.

one thing is that i have some irl health circumstances that mean i sometimes need to take long breaks from things, but i will be sure to pm a mod if i cant be active on the forum for a while.

im still in the process of reading the rules and orientation information, but i'll try to start sharing asap! and thank you very much if you read this long rambly post XD
postbit slot
Hello, popovnik
Welcome to CBC - Copybot.Club

Your introduction made me smile, and I have to admit it. I am fond of your vibe and your way of being.

It seems like you're a person who gets involved and is friendly. Members like you are essential for us. Our community's members are extremely friendly, and I am confident that you will fit in.

I'm pleased to see that you are knowledgeable about Second Life and its association with mesh and textures.

We can confirm that there are many members who are unfortunately faced with various health issues and more when it comes to health problems.
You can rest assured that we won't cause you any stress.

The 'Away' option is available for you. If you require an offline experience, you can take as much time as necessary to recuperate.
Changing your status to 'away' is all you need to do.
Idea How to set your status to Away - Being Active . Not active -

May your journey with us be enjoyable Blush


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