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Good to see you!
Waves to all! I'm here to explore some good stuff and enhance my building/creating skills using some of the dev kits that are not easy to get them inworld in order to work. As well as being also in the OSGrid to get everything there as well!
It's not my first time in this kind of forum since I've been arround since  Kgsquad but it seems pretty much dead now there! I'm glad I've found this seems more active, finally!
Can't wait to look forward if there's any possibility to gain access in such subforums so.

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(09-16-2024, 04:52 PM)JmsLg Wrote: Waves to all! I'm here to explore some good stuff and enhance my building/creating skills using some of the dev kits that are not easy to get them inworld in order to work. As well as being also in the OSGrid to get everything there as well!
It's not my first time in this kind of forum since I've been arround since  Kgsquad but it seems pretty much dead now there! I'm glad I've found this seems more active, finally!
Can't wait to look forward if there's any possibility to gain access in such subforums so.


Great to read your introduction,   
Seems like quite a few wants to get their stuff to OpenSim

CBC shouldnt be as dead as kinggoon, but we are, as a community, dependent on our members contribute to its growth and development.  With that said, its an encouragement to get involved 

Here is a few links to get you started, and you will also then get to know how you get more access to subforums - CBC is based on usergroups. 
In short, the more active you are, by adding to the community, the more access you will have. 


Welcome to CBC, the CopyBot Club 


Thanks to Miau for the set up of important threads to read to get familiar with CBC

Glad to have you.  I was in the old forum as well, but was absent for way too long.

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