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Hi! I love to share resources via mesh/textures for SL users alike. the entry can be hard and confusing and I'm still learning everyday with what you can do. I would love to not only share what i know and have but to also pick up more to share Smile I heavily enjoy rigging and meshing in blender.
postbit slot
Great to read your introduction,   

Here is a few links to get you started, and you will also then get to know how you get more access to subforums - CBC is based on user groups. 
In short, the more active you are, by adding to the community, the more access you will have. 

 Sounds like you will fit into this community.  Yay! 

Ill leave you some links which will, if you click and read, be helpful for you. 
Then you can find out more what kind of a forum you signed up to be a member of. 


Welcome to CBC, the CopyBot Club 



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