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Hi there. Long time SL resident and creator. I'm a self-taught 3D artist and the way I furthered my learning and skillset was by ripping and understanding other people's workflows and processes. Only ever ripped for personal study and even saw my own content uploaded on similar forums some 10 years ago, I was all for it. Can't learn it we don't understand something and the best way to understand is to dissect! I look forward to jumping in and sharing as I find time to do so.
postbit slot
I am happy to read your introduction. 
Which makes me sure both you and the community can benefit from each other.  Learning and evolving. 
"The best way to understand, is to dissect!"
Best quote in a while, thank you for that, its so true. 

Here is a few links to you, click and read: hopefully it will give you an insight in which sort of community you signed up to be a part of. 
Welcome to the copybot Club, CBC



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