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I recently lost my account due to a mix up on Second Life by me overdrafting the account and now I'm starting new but everything is so expensive and i used so much money on my old account. So I['m looking to copybot things for my new account so I won't have to waist anymore money.
postbit slot
Hey there! I was wondering if anyone has any good dimple UUID's or where to find them? Thank you!
Welcome back onto SL and we hope we can help in any way here at CBC

showbis Cool
you are requesting something in the sandbox forum 
you have made no shares yourself

please make yourself aware of which forum you signed up to by reading our guidelines

they are mentioned in a stickie in this thread . ill post the link for you again 


EDIT - 12th of June 2020
moving your post out or the sandbox and to your introduction. 
I am aware it will mess up that thread, mixing up "welcome to our forum" posts

but the sandbox is not for requests and a request shouldnt be added to your posting account.  

Feel free to start contributing - and then the sandbox is the place you go to do that. 

thank you for reading

welcome to CBC 

make sure to read the rules.

Welcome to the forum.

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