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Whats up
What's cracking??? yall
Been in the scene since about 08
doing the ole left SL and came bk again LOL
Glad to see this community is still alive and well and keeping it real as always.
Just here to try and keep it real and spread the love as much as I can ..
postbit slot
Heya NUGZZ420,

It is good to see an oldtimer return Wink
We are also on SL/OS scene for a long time and if you have been in the copybot community you will find some members from 08 and earlier.
Most of us came from other forums to make CBC a better and more organized place.

We hope you feel right at home here at CBC!
If you have any doubt or need assistance please don't hesitate

Start here so that you understand how the forum works

showbis Cool
welcome  to CBC 

nice to see some familiar names back again

Welcome to the forum Nugzz.
Gooooooooooooooooooooooood you got the message Smile.
Welcome to CBC Smile.

~ smiles ~

the CopyBotClub CBC
Whats up Old and New Goon Fam!
(11-04-2020, 06:05 AM)NUGZZ420 Wrote: Whats up Old and New Goon Fam!

merged your intro thread with the first you made a while back

i suggest you check which forum you logged int.  You reshared, in the sandbox  a viewer - .... 

[Image: oPfPDZj.png]

and shared at CBC already. By wish. 

your "share" will be deleted. Also - you forgot to add download links. it was a simple copy paste from Wish's original thread. (But don't break your balls trying to make a new thread with DS v6.0.0  and working links.)

we do have viewers here, so spend some time to figure out how to contribute in a more original way. No copy paste shares. 


Hey Nug! Welcome!
Whats cracking you guys
merged your most recent intro with the other two you made.

i also deleted your thank you posts, i think you skipped reading rules and the important thread

moved most of your shares out of the sandbox even though you are still a newbie usergroup member. They were getting dusty;P


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