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new here
hello new here and willing to learn about secondlife. cant wait to contribute to the site
postbit slot
welcome - 
you say learn about second life? Are you new in Second Life?

welcome and enjoy
Are you really new?
~ scratches head ~
New in SL or CB?
In case you are new to SL i suggest you to get at least 
the basics of SL BEFORE going to cobybot, because you
need to stay safe. Safety comes always first this is
rule #1. In your case with being complete new to SL,
you will do mistakes while you are copybot stuff and it
would be very easy to catch you then, which would result
in a ban from SL by LindenLab.. So thats why we are asking
you ....are you new to SL or CB?

~ smiles ~

the CopyBotClub CBC

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