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Hello From the Bluegrass State
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Hi. *waves*
Just wanted to say hello, and introduce myself. Everyone calls me Saphs.
And while I do not visit Second Life but twice a year,  Nor do I use the backdoor Trojan copybots that are out there .I still have a lot to offer this forum in knowledge and models that I have bought over the years from CGtrader for builds in Unity. ( 3 pages worth) and I have knowledge of opensim and Unity, Unreal and Play Canvas if anyone is Interested in some tutorials.
I met a lot of you fine folks on the old forum and loved to stop in daily until the Spam Bots took over and people left due to Ashholes and than it was gone.
I am so glad I found you all again. Exclamation
postbit slot
Hey Saphs,
good you found us finally.
If you need help just shout through the goonhall.

~ hugz ~
Welcome to the club Saphs,

if you ever need anything just ask

showbis Cool
Welcome to CBC
Welcome Saphs, glad to see more people like me in here.

Yeah I am in SL, but also in OS, and I have Unity and I play with that from time to tim. Nothing production, just for boredom play and learning.

Love that you enjoy both too, not to many people are interested in Unity. Its to bad too, cause its a really cool prog, and you can learn a lot from it.

Keep sharing, I know I will be watching. Wink
Welcome to CBC Saphs!

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