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Grüße in die Runde
[font][font]Hallo zusammen, ich komme aus Deutschland und freue mich euch kennenzulernen. [/font][/font]
postbit slot
Hey willkommen im Club, wir sprechen hier generell englisch alle,
da ich sah das du deutsch sprichst antworte ich dir in deutsch Smile.
Wenn du etwas brauchst lass es uns wissen. In diesem link hier
findest du alle infos die du brauchst, wenn du fragen hast dann sag einfach bescheid.
Willkommen zuhause.

Hey welcome to the club, we speak here actually english but i saw
you wrote in german so i decided to answer you in german, maybe
a bit easier for you Smile. In case you need anything just let us know.
This link here provides all useful infos so you understand how the club
is running Smilehttps://forum.copybot.club/Thread-READ-T...nformation
Welcome home.

the CopyBotClub CBC
[font][font]Ciao, Willkommen in der Gruppe[/font][/font]
Welcome to the club,

follow the CopyBotClub CBC lead on her answer… I was trying to understand it but ooops Shy
Like she says we are a international group of people from everywhere in the world but we use english for our forum language.
Nothing google translate can't help in times of need!

We also have a DE subforum where you may contribute in pr translate things into if you can

Welcome to the forum Kimberly

showbis Cool


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