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Hello everyone.  Seems I found my way to a new place on this little place called the World Wide Web.  It is good to be here.  Looking for a viewer that'll work with OSX Catalina.  Hopefully find one.  I have several saved files from other viewers but need a new one.  I have left SL mainly for our own grid (When the servers cooperate).
postbit slot
Hi Dayna,

it would be great if there was one CB viewer of OSX Catalina or not but there is not
your way around it is by emulating PC on your Mac but unless you have a darn good machine
you will notice a performance drop that is huge!

I would also love to have one of the developers compiling a Mac OS version of their viewers
but so far I have no news about it and I can assure you there isn't one yet Sad

But like I said emulate PC and run one of the viewers, revelatory is singularity based but it is the lighter of them all

Once you do it please leave some feedback for others to follow your lead

Welcome to the club!
showbis Cool
welcome home then sweetie,
if you need help please let us know.

the CopyBotClub CBC

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