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Hello! Aspiring to be a designer. :P
Hello, all!

I'm interested in SL for mostly fashion and photography.

Thinking about starting out making original mesh clothes for SL at some point.
postbit slot
Hello nice to read you and welcome to CBC.

the CopyBotClub CBC
lemonlimeanon you came to the right place,

here you can find resources and study how the best brands do their own creations, something they will never teach you anywhere inworld.

Start with our guide and learn how we work and then you are ready to go, if you want to learn how to copybot, grab a viewer and my advice is,
start with your own things and edit them to remove your avatar name.
Learn how to keep safe, how to spoof, etc. We have tutorials about that
The items of the stores you purchased and admire may be quite a resource if you see them, from the point of view, of how they were built!

I hope you stick around and start your way up so that the doors of the best forums open up for you,
they are not open yet in order for you to learn how to make shares the right way.

Introducing yourself was the first step… thanks for choosing CBC!

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