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greetings <3
So. Hey! I'm new here  thinking
..Aand new to the entire concept of 'copybotting', but I am very interested in learning how to do so, so then I could eventually contribute some small (and eventually bigger Sleepy ) things the more I learn about this process!
Dunno what else there is to say, I just hope this community is a great & helpful one for if I get stuck along the way.
But I am very interested in getting started!

First things first though... Getting rid of this gross profile picture. 
postbit slot
Hahahhaha i call those avatar pic "Blacksack" due it looks like
a black potatoe sack Smile. Since you are new darlinnnnnn i recomment
to get coffee and start to read ..... and there is a lot to read but you 
are always welcome to ask the community for help here:

and here are the rules and basic info you should read too Smile.

Welcome home sunshine Smile.

[Image: 3mZrIhH.png]
welcome to CBC and thank you for replacing your profile image! 

I do want to inform you, that is highly recommended to perform a search before asking questions in the question thread. 

different kind of questions have been asked and replied to! 



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