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Hey guys, new member! I'm a Second Life newbie, learning to play. Thanks! xoxo
postbit slot
Hello, agnxx.
      Welcome to CBC - copybot club.
Newbie to copybotting, but also newbie to Second Life? That's just amazing! Remembers me of the old days.
In both cases, there's always a good thing being a newbie around people who have experience, because you can learn things much easily and be safe as well! 

  • First thing first: 
  1. Make sure to understand our Forum Rules - HERE
  2. Read our Guide before posting - HERE
  3. If you need our help and you're stuck at something - HERE
  • Before to begin sharing, it's always best to check our tutorials:
  1. Tutorials - Second Life: How to copybot - Basic Level (click) and How to - Tutorials (click) 
  2. Tutorials - Forum:  Forum - the right way to use it (click).

  • We have the best tools and most secure viewers to use:
  1. Viewers: You can download Darkstorm v6.2 (click) or Revelator Alpha 1.8 (click). I recommend both, Darkstorm is easier to use when you're ripping (aka copybotting), while Revelator is faster when you're uploading things (wearables, meshes, etc).
  2. Tools: We have MeshesSL (click) which is a time-saver, but many other as well - HERE (click)

I hope you will find your place in our CopyBot Club

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