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[font][font]hola buenas noches a todos[/font][/font]
postbit slot
hey there, 

I want you to read the guide before you go any further: 

If you claim you have done that? I had to remove a lot of posts from you, saying something like.
gracias¡¡ x 3 posts

in the guide thread?
 buenas noches

buenos dias

buenas tardes

the guide says specifically 

Arrow  No thank you posts, they will be deleted when spotted.

I allow myself to delete buenas noches and tardes too. .. 

So, do read the guide lines again.  You must have skipped important parts of it. 

welcome to CBC, the copybot club.  We have rules - we have the best members  - become one of them? 

without you all contributing , CBC is nothing. 


oh, and we use english as the forum language.


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