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Greetings All
I hope to learn and grow here!
postbit slot
Greetings lenora

So you reached to get to the point of saying hi to the community. Glad you do!!

We have
Made tutorials for making it more easy to learn how to do things, both on the forum and in SL. 
Provided copybot viewers, like Darkstorm CBC edition and Revelator. We even have our own Club64 Viewer. 
We have a sandbox, where members are doing their babysteps when learning how to share. We will help guide you, of course. If it is needed.  
We have a growing collection of items
You will see all of this, when you start to involve in the community. 

The more you contribute, the more you get access to.  

you see, when - and if - everybody add to the community, there will be development. 

The more we are, the better the community becomes. 

I am glad to welcome you to the copybot club, CBC. 



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