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Hi and welcome
Hi to all, my name is showbis

Some might know this name from another copybot forum. Yes it's me! [Image: cool.png]
I'll be one of the Super Moderators, and I am here to assist you anytime. Please feel at home.

! Welcome to the Copybot.club !

We took one year in planning, studying, checking which platforms to use, how things should look like, how usable it would have to be and so many other choices we did. To deliver the best organized and updated forum for YOU and to give you the best possible forum experience

Democracy rules this forum! All members are voluntary (circle members and leaders) and have a vote on the direction and improvements we should take. The also volunteer administrators and moderators will be here to listen, to correct, to improve and sometimes to enforce rules - We are here to give you the best possible environment.

We are not run by goons nor will we be under a monarchy ever!
It is also important to highlight we don't understand why should these forums admins, who can earn up to 2000 usd/monthly, chose not give back?
We got the facts to prove it!
So don't bother to ask why we left! This was our main reason.

Their greed and their lack of respect for those who carry over 'content' into their forums - We know them has members. Don't they deserve a clean, well taken care of and maintained forum, at least???

Our project goes far beyond a forum
We are not kidding, since we could not help or people with the keys would not let us… we chose to do it better!
The attention to detail from top to bottom it's visible! But we didn't and won't stop there since we're doing a completely new Portal for us all! 
  • Website
  • Forum
  • Wiki
 and more we don't do want to tell yet!
That's how surprises go, right? [Image: wink.png]

Content will take a while, that comes with active members and we are not and won't be rushing things.
we knew this would be for the marathon so we've prepared for that. But we trully believe we will deliver or we would never do it!

We don't have competitors or see ourselves as one.
Our philosophy is different, our objectives are different and our portal culture also!

We respect what the copybot forums did!
They were essential to gather so much creative minds, developers and so many anonymous who gave back… but we don't forget how it felt when we found out that the worst 'leecher' can be your forum 'owner', even so we still like to thank the administrators, past and present, for providing a ceiling for copybotters.

This is why it is important to highlight We are non-profit oriented, unlike all other 'cb' forums!
Our earnings will go to improve our portal, to deploy viewers and tools and to support our work teams (that we call circles). We are here to give back to the community. This is how we see a true family!

The intent it's to be the best and most active community! Where people are given the tools and access to experts from many fields.
So that you may enjoy the freedom of having your inventory your way on whatever grid you want to be, and with us be able to grow, learn, teach, create, share and be safe!

Come along with us and help us write the next page in the copybot history.
My sincere wishes are that Copybot.club might be the forum you always wanted to be in, with the features, the content and most of all, the people in it, because only that can make a good forum be great!

It's so damn good to break 'radio silence' and to be back with you all
showbis[Image: cool.png]


Frei - this wouldn't be possible without you stepping up to take the lead, the RL people you brought in, getting the resources, the sysadmins, the forum experts… I got no words but to say THANK YOU x 1000000 … RL, SL, OS, anywhere… we are friends for life - Thanks mate!!!!

C.Nails - For being the best head moderator/teacher/shoulder for my frustration at times.
Never before I've had the pleasure of knowing and work with such a beautiful human being like you are!
Thank you for all the hard work you've put into crafting the best forum! I could be writing for threads to come, just to name what you did and how you inspire me!
Being one of the admins here, only gets me to say this  - It was about time!
You deserve it!

SpiderGirl - If there is a 'Girl Power' tag, it fits perfect on you! You've been a boost of energy entering the team and you gave so many great advices, fixes, all the amazing work you did and so much expertise you bring into this true member club makes me proud
I knew you were the kind of girl who had to do something to change the status quo, you were fed up also.
But let me whisper I love to see you with rolled up sleeves! You got POWERS!!!!

SphinxRa - My Egyptian friend [Image: smile.png] Your help, corrections and suggestions gave us a lot of pointers.
I am looking forward to see you do the 'walk like an egyptian' dance on that forum category you call home!

DevMaster - Your simply a pleasure to work with, an amazing person and a true GENIUS! Why say more [Image: biggrin.png]

Jason and Dinesh - SysAdmins like you guys are hard to get, thank you for the hours you put in getting our grid up, running and monitored! Purrrrrfect!

to my late grandmother - You taught me 'when something stops working for you, do your own then' I did that!

Finally THANK YOU to the ones I asked to help us out in this 'almost ready' stage and said they would join in.
Your trust in just my words was That spark!!!!

Now please enjoy, it's our house and ours to keep!
postbit slot
~ dances with outstretched arms in the rain of replove and laughs ~

Thank you for taking the replove.

the CopyBotClub CBC
Well written/wroten (whatever the right word is, pick one  Tongue )

When the 'time' is there for the 'Walk like an Egyptian' dance in my Home you will see it  Wink

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