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Wow, can't believe I've found this place. So happy to be here and see the CopyBotClub CBC's here too. Hope to contribute in my small way as I can. Hugs to all.
postbit slot
Heya Thorny welcome to CBC Smile
This here is another forum with another rules and/or owners,
On this link is all well explained and a good start to read Smile.

~ smiles ~

the CopyBotClub CBC
Hi there thornyton999

Welcome to Copybot.club mate,
we are a helpful communitty with may known faces that are here to help in any way we can/know how

I hope you find yourself home

showbis Cool
Welcome, we're glad you found us.
heyas Thorny - welcome to the copybot club.
Welcome to CBC, Thorny Cool
Greetings, my name is Ton, elsewhere I was known as other names that I will draw a veil over, but that's all gone now, the CopyBotClub CBC tells me here is better anyway. Fresh start.

So, not sure what you want to know. I mainly brought furniture in the past, a long long time ago. I prefer to rip AVsitter stuff as it seems to transfer painlessly. I have seen issues, particularly with [AV]Prop not compiling under YEngine, but that does seem to be dependent on who loaded AVsitter. I think some versions around are actually the SL version that doesn't work well elsewhere.

Oh, and that's the other thing, I don't do this to re-import into SL, I do it to share for free in Opensim. Almost everything I share has been bought by me in SL, so yeah, take that as my justification if you will.

I need to read your rules for uploading, as I'm VERY rusty and will need to check what others have already contributed as I don't want to duplicate. I also try to vet my own rips for suitability to import with ubODE physics. So much of the stuff available cannot be changed to physics type PRIM in Opensim (probably imported without physics), which makes it poor under ubODE physics. 

I'm running out of other stuff to say, other than I do admin four Grids in Opensim. I am a LAMP admin (weak on the PHP side though) more familiar with Redhat and its variants than anything, although I do also admin a pain in the ass grid running on Windows 2016 Server Core, which is a shitfest, tbh, not the grid, the OS.

Okay the CopyBotClub CBC, will that do for now?

* thornyton999 batts his long, thick eyelashes back ay the CopyBotClub CBC!

happy welcome
merged Introduction posts! 

thank you for the most recent intro - interesting read

Glad to have you here. 



Edit to add: 

I just read in shoutbox that you mentioned you have no access to nada - here is a link which will describe the way you will experience CBC as a newbie  https://forum.copybot.club/Thread-CBC-ex...-as-newbie


Hahahhaah nice intro, was my fault Thorn i forgot you made one already
but its good since you had the chance to talk to other members, now you
see we are like that GOONISH Tongue.

the CopyBotClub CBC

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