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Hello World
Hello, I knew how happy to have found you! , I go through a group oriented NEVER MENTION THAT VIEWER AT CBC (where I contributed a little) and I discover with pleasure that there is another viewer, even more efficient !!

So on Sl I'm quite a fan of animation (dance) I build, do my tatoo, ( with normal and Specular) in short I'm doing not too badly, I also recently discovered openSin (osgrid), oh yes ,  i love take Pict with Black dragon ( in Dof) 
looking forward to helping you, Hugs
And if i can Help , ask lol 
what can i do for have acces of th rest of the forum ?
( I'm france and my english is basic , but google trad is my friends lol 

My mail is good , but i can"t receive validation code ...Strange
postbit slot
Here the members have to rank up by sharing Smile.
A share can be an item and/or a tutorial, knowledge etc.
There is no way of donations to get VIP status.

Your account was activated manually by the management.
So no activation mail was send at all.

Welcome to CBC Fury,

the CopyBotClub CBC
happy welcome
welcome to the forum Smile
New to copybotting? Wanna rip mesh? Tutorial here:
Welcome to CBC furygan,

that is a nice presentation and i am sure that your skills will be useful here
even yet a member was wondering about bento poses, so if you are into animations you are on demand Tongue
We always need people who help and know how to follow the simple rules CBC has.

For a little while, I am sure, you only will  have access tot he sandbox until your shares or tutorials or the help you give gets you ewarded with a ranking up
The more you rank the more doors open for you. We do not ask for any money, all we ask for is that people participate in a healthy way.

If you contributed to a CB Viewer I am sure you will see familiar faces around here.
Welcome to the Club, anything you need we're here to help!

showbis Cool
You will get access to more of the forum as Showbis and the CopyBotClub CBC described. 

if you want to have a cozy time with google translate , here is a link to where your current user group is described.  https://forum.copybot.club/Thread-CBC-ex...gistration

welcome to CBC

Nice system, if you want tomorow i can share somes textures 3D like Asphalt, ciment, Carbon, grass, Parquet, All with specular , normal & diffuse by exemple for start ? Smile

when I first started on a copybot forum that was how I did it, by sharing good SL texture sets.
It is a nice and easy way to rank up. So, yes you can make threads with that

Don't forget to insert an image and put all the info and for file hosting use whatever you like the most
we use Meshvault alot but maybe textures need more. Mediafire gives you 1 year of inactivity last time I've checked

If you need anything just ask
showbis Cool
your shares have now been moved outside of the sandbox even though you have not reached another usergroup yet. 

the share is dated  February 2021.


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