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BakesOnMesh < > copybot ? and BOM blogs

I dont understand what BakesOnMesh will mean for us who likes playing around with UUIDs and skin textures. Can anybody share their opinion/knowledge and help give me insight.

I have read ( and tried to understand ):

h ttp://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Project_BakesOnMesh/
h ttps://strawberrysingh.com/2018/04/09/second-life-project-bakesonmesh/  got confused watching and listening to the video!
h ttp://slpoweredbyomega.com/2018/04/about-bakes-on-mesh/

Seems like that old system skins/wearables/system clothes will be of use?
[Image: heart.png] Dutch Touch! [Image: heart.png]

Your thoughts?

EDITED 0610 2020
Added " bom blogs" to subject since the blogs explaing about bom,  can be useful reading after making clear of BOM <>copybot cant be done.

EDIT 31/12 2020

link to helpful bom blogs

postbit slot
I'm glad that I've never deleted an outfit. I was excited thinking that it would apply to mesh clothes. That would be great but it looks like it might not be possible. I make a lot of appliers so I'm looking forward to eliminating the whole applier process.
if you use the right mesh body you can use the old system clothing

creator Babette Ultsch of kitties lair has made 2 different mesh bodies, they are not over paid like maitreya

*KL* Lena Perky Body http://anon.to/?https://marketplace.seco...dy/6290592 ( I use this one )
*KL* Lena Lush Body http://anon.to/?https://marketplace.seco...dy/5992805

are both affordable, both cost L $ 799 each

mesh clothing for the bodies costs very little

just look around at her marketplace shop http://anon.to/?https://marketplace.seco...ores/16590?


18/04 Updated alpha system, material support, masking options. Also contains an experimental update for the new secondlife 'bake on mesh' feature. (SL experimental viewer is required to make it work yet)
please try the free demo before you buy!

End Quote

No this shop is not mine Sad
[Image: hh0Frdf.png]
I did a test with a free applier that I found in the Omega store, after applying, I copied the applied uuids, here is the result:
(I put the uuids in a simple prim)
upper: uuid: 149e7c88-74ef-995b-5e23-a27208de3193
[Image: bF857rq.png]
lower: (blank texture, just gray (??)) uuid: 066d5659-0856-748e-a6de-495d896fe93b
The skin applied with BakesOnMesh, apparently will protect the uuid, the mesh body will be a kind of mirror (skin's mask). For old copybots this will be a problem..
(07-18-2018, 08:02 PM)Trohn Wrote: The skin applied with BakesOnMesh, apparently will protect the uuid, the mesh body will be a kind of mirror (skin's mask). For old copybots this will be a problem..

I am reading up on what goes on Inworld - 

BoM is released in the official viewer,  a matter of time before Firestorm get this implemented. 
- does anybody have a way to get the UUIDs ? 
as i understand it, its not enough to use the old system skins,  I mean, you can, but i like to think time made skin creators better at making skins, for example.
Also, fingernails and toes will look odd using an old skin. ( Shivers thinking of default avatar feet )

help !

Edited to add

i found this after posting. Maybe it will help me understand better. 


It's 1 baked texture that uses all the appliers into 1

Thanks for that link, it is like on 3d apps…
What I like on Second Life its what they never ever tell, what is in it for them…
with a baked texture used the number of textures their servers need to provide you will be 1 instead of 4 or 5

They are smart, they make you upload every item like before and then you choose the bake in their servers, this way you pay the same uploads and they save in what the servers need to deliver (they save on bandwith)

The real benefit for all it's to lower the complexity of avatars

Did I get this wrong?

I got a question OS doesn't have in sight BoM does it. That may be the reason to launch 2 version firestorm

I was thinking on Trohn post: On what SL gives us it will be the baked since the 'assembly' of all textures into 1 will be done server-side. If this the case we will get our hands only on the baked one.
(09-06-2019, 07:22 AM)showbis Wrote: I was thinking on Trohn post: On what SL gives us it will be the baked since the 'assembly' of all textures into 1 will be done server-side. If this the case we will get our hands only on the baked one.

i think you are right. 
wondering how and if we get to share items are several layers baked into one, how we get to categorize them? I fear all the structure we added to the forum might have been in vain, since we cant categorize any of the layers by creator and brands. 

but lets see how we can work this out. CBC is  also about being able to adapt to new stuff happening - and help each other understand. 

My BoM experiences - non copybot! 


Maitreya sent out information and a relay to use  (free) until their mesh body gets updated.  Maitreya body is now BoM updated, no need for any relay. Redelivery needed. 
Slink should have their body system updated, and you need a redelivery
Belleza? I found an applier on MP which did the job, since Bellaza bodies are omega friendly. There is now a Bellaza BoM HUD 1.0

To use the BoM layer, the first layer need to be a skin. Soo

Catwa has sent out a relay to use, find it in their store.
[AK]Heads has a sale on heads updated to BoM - it will end soon though. If you have a deluxe head, the BoM updates will be free
GA.EG: Are BoM ready, just need the applier (free)
Genus Project - Genus BoM activated applier 

To be continued ........

Please add information you have.  Corrections too! 

ADDING oct 20th 2019
- seems like there is no rush.
There isnt much content available yet. Apparently BoM was a surprise to designers and users. Not that it would be released, but that BoM got released within a weeks warning. Not many have had items prepared for use. 
so try on your old system skins - if any are left, they do look odd on nails (#meToo) and the navel though. But do try. Found a nail fixer. 

ADDING  November 17th 2019
- Bellaza body got a BoM hud

Removed Jan 2020
- virtual bloke link and made a new thread.
adding january 
Genus BoM applier link.
adding february
Maitreya BoM update

29 09 2021
I found this old post, and I am not going to update it
Bom got less mysterious!

so - while the creators get their stuff BoMmed,  will it be of any use to rip all the skins we can? Since we cant rip anything BoM?

As i understand it, it is not only skins. It is everything you can apply BoM to.

to be more clear! 

I found this helpful. I'm just starting to play around with it. So this will make sharing and making wearables worth it again. 

(10-29-2019, 04:13 PM)Dynamite Wrote: I found this helpful. I'm just starting to play around with it. So this will make sharing and making wearables worth it again. 

Thank you, i havent seen that video - yet. 


what about this : 

as I understand it, the textures are temporary? And not possible to use any ripped UUIDs


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