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Hi all!
Happy to be here, hello everyone  Blush
postbit slot
Funny name you choosed blacksack Tongue
Welcome to the club lololoololol Wink.

the CopyBotClub CBC
(07-22-2021, 06:51 AM)..:: the CopyBotClub CBC ::.. Wrote: Funny name you choosed blacksack Tongue
Welcome to the club lololoololol Wink.

the CopyBotClub CBC

Hahaha thank you!! I'm reading through everything but I can't get any viewers on my mac or emulate due to how bad it is... Does this mean I can never rank up to look through the forums beyond SANDBOX?!
I know well your frustration I am also a Mac guy by definition but I have a PC to use a CB Viewer
in my case the PC is old so it runs only kinda well Revelator but I had to change the settings

On the mac case these are the options to emulate win:
  • Boot Camp
  • VMWare Fusion
  • Parallels Desktop
  • VirtualBox
  • Wine < Didn't work for me
  • CrossOver for Mac
The last resort is to make a partition and get windows in just for this
I wouldn't quit yet… try them first

Tell us what your findings were please as these might help others
I tried VirtualBox (had no idea what I was doing and it didn't work) and Parallels (which worked but was SUPER laggy, like I'd take a step and crash or freeze for 5 minutes on lowest settings) and Wine (no luck at all)... My laptop hates them all...

I'll try CrossOver or VMWare!
Yeah I would get them all to the test
and then if nothing worked I would get a partition of the HDD and get windows in just to CB

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