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Hello everyone 
i am new here i hope have nice talk in this forum for long time
sorry if my english is not very good

I want to ask somethings 
is there a VIP section ? 
is there paid members ?
is there a donation in site ? and  it is just for help site or i get Benefits?
postbit slot
I want to ask somethings 
is there a VIP section ? 
- no there is no VIP section
is there paid members ?
- no, there is no paid members
is there a donation in site ?
- no, there is no donation option. 
it is just for help site or i get Benefits?
- this is a copybot forum. You have signed up to CBC, the CopybotClub. 
Benefits? Depends on what you think of. 
  in short, the more you involve, the more "benefits" you get. Meaning, more of the forum will open for you. 
  Help is given, and have been given, so do a search before asking. 

Why dont you go and read the links in the guide?  you will probably find more replies to any doubts and question you have. 
-> https://forum.copybot.club/Thread-READ-T...nformation

Welcome to CBC,
and i am looking forward to what you are going to add to the forum. CBC is a forum which grows by the involvement of our members. It works pretty well.

Welcome to the Club where no VIP status can be bought Smile.
Here you make your way by sharing as it should be Smile.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask Smile.

Welcome home.

the CopyBotClub CBC

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