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welcome back to @ll...
Hello everybody.. Rolleyes Rolleyes
I don't playing SL anymore, but I exactly remember the time, when We ran around "the world" and looked for people, to distort them for fun and they didn't know what was going on. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Greetings to all and best wishes.... Heart Heart
postbit slot
The best wishes right back to you and welcome back home Smile.

the CopyBotClub CBC
@ the CopyBotClub CBC  Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart   ...  hugzzzzzzzz my Dear.......
What took you so long? Smile
Let get busy we have amazing things and always adding more and more.
I am so nosey what you have brought with you Tongue

~ smiles ~

the CopyBotClub CBC
(10-15-2021, 02:50 AM)..:: the CopyBotClub CBC ::.. Wrote: What took you so long?

Oh my Dear... You know... life in general and everything what is joined with it.... joys, sorrows, problems and successes and one could go on and on.... Wink Wink
(10-15-2021, 02:50 AM)..:: the CopyBotClub CBC ::.. Wrote: I am so nosey what you have brought with you Tongue
 Unofrtunatelly nothing special ...  exept memories...... 

Hunting Smile     and Hunting again Smile

muahhhh...... Heart Heart

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